Dag: 1 juni 2005

  • Minskade inkomstskillnader mellan hushållen

    Snart är vi alla lika fattiga här i Sverige. Hurra? Minskade inkomstskillnader mellan hushållen Jämfört med resten av EU hade Sverige bland de lägsta inkomstskillnaderna mellan hushållen. Statistiken visar också att de svenska inkomsterna ligger under EU-snittet. erikstarckframtidstanken.com

  • Pinker vs Spelke: Vetenskapen om kön och vetenskap

    Intressant debatt jag ska läsa så fort tid gives. THE SCIENCE OF GENDER AND SCIENCE But it is crucial to distinguish the moral proposition that people should not be discriminated against on account of their sex – which I take to be the core of feminism – and the empirical claim that males and females…

  • Scientists perform ’materals magic’ to simplify crystal-making for electronics

    Scientists perform ’materials magic’ to simplify crystal-making for electronics Materials scientists at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, have devised a novel and easy technique to make thin, crystal-like materials for electronic devices. The technique could supplement today’s tedious and exacting method of growing crystals with an additional benefit of producing materials in sizes…

  • Intel May Combine Silicon with Carbon Nanotubes

    Intel May Combine Silicon with Carbon Nanotubes Chip giant Intel is looking to developments in a tiny new form of science for the potential to lift future generations of its processors. erikstarckframtidstanken.com